Noel Schulz, Candidate, IEEE Division VII Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect
IEEE and IEEE PES Activities
IEEE and IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) have been my technical home for over 38 years. I joined IEEE as an undergraduate EE student. I have been an active IEEE volunteer leader for almost 30 years and have been recognized by several IEEE awards as shown below.
I spent 12 years on the IEEE PES Governing Board serving as secretary and treasurer as well as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. With this volunteer leadership experience, I understand the IEEE structure, the collaborations across Societies, financial structure of PES and IEEE, needs across a diverse worldwide membership and opportunities with publications, conferences, and programs that provide professional development for PES members.
Key IEEE and IEEE PES Accomplishments and Activities
IEEE Women in Technology & Leadership Award, 2023
IEEE Fellow, 2016
IEEE Hewlett-Packard/Harriet B. Rigas Award, recognizing outstanding faculty women who have made significant contributions to electrical/computer engineering education, 2014
IEEE PES Walter Fee Outstanding Young Engineer Award, 2002
IEEE, Member 1985-Present; Fellow, 2016-Present; Senior Member, August 2000-2015
IEEE PES Governing Board and Executive Committee, 2004-2015; Secretary 2004-2007; Treasurer 2008-2009; President-Elect 2010-2011; President 2012-2013; Immediate Past President, 2014-2015
Chair, IEEE PES Award & Recognition Committee, 2000-2003
Member, Power & Energy Education Committee 1996-PresentPES Representative for the IEEE Intersociety Committee on Electric Ships, 2005-2009
Organizer of various PES Women in Engineering/Women in Power Events, 1997-Present
Member, IEEE Technical Activities Board & Society Presidents Forum, 2012-2013
Evaluator, IEEE Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) 2001-2009
Member, IEEE Technical Activity Board (TAB) Award Committee, 2001-2003
Organizing Committee of IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS), 2005, 2007 and 2009; Treasurer and Registration Chair, 2005 IEEE ESTS, July 2005; 2007 IEEE ESTS, July 2007; General Chair and Treasurer IEEE ESTS, April 2009
Member, IEEE Press Board, 2006-2007